
著 書 / Books

久保園芳博・山崎岳 共編著
第7,8章担当:竹田一彦, 第12章担当:佐久川弘, 培風館, 2016.
Chapter 7. Phototransformation Induced by HO Radicals
K. M. G. Mostofa, C.-Q. Liu, H. Sakugawa, P. Fu, M. Minella, D. Vione, D. Minakata, F.-C. Wu, L. Zhai, M. G. Mortuza, F. A. Al-Misned, J. Chen, J. Yuan, L.i Si-liang
In "Surface water photochemistry"Web Site
Edited by Paola Calza and Davide Vione, Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, 117-137, 2016.
Chapter 14. Photocatalytic Degradation of Irgarol in Water by Photo-Fenton Reactions
F. Eissa, N. E.-H. Zidan, H Sakugawa
In "Surface water photochemistry"Web Site
Edited by Paola Calza and Davide Vione, Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, 275-289, 2016.
Chapter 2. Photoinduced and microbial generation of hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides in natural waters
K. M. G. Mostofa, C. Liu, H. Sakugawa, D. Vione, D. Minakata, F. Wu
In "Photobiogeochemistry of Organic Matter, Environmental Science and Engineering"
Ed.by K. M. G. Mostofa et al., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp.139-207, 2013.
Chapter 3. Photoinduced generation of hydroxyl radical in natural waters
K. M. G. Mostofa, C. Liu, H.Sakugawa, D. Vione, D. Minakata, M. Saquib, M. Abdul Mottaleb
In "Photobiogeochemistry of Organic Matter, Environmental Science and Engineering"
Ed.by K. M. G. Mostofa et al., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp.209-272, 2013.
Chapter 4. Photoinduced and microbial degradation of dissolved organic matter in natural waters
K. M. G. Mostofa, C. Liu, D. Minakata, F. Wu, D. Vione, M. A. Mottaleb, T. Yoshioka, H. Sakugawa
In "Photobiogeochemistry of Organic Matter, Environmental Science and Engineering"
Ed.by K. M. G. Mostofa et al., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp.273-364, 2013.
Chapter 6. Fluorescent dissolved organic matter in natural waters
K. M. G. Mostofa, C. Liu, T. Yoshioka, D. Vione, Y. Zhang, H. Sakugawa
In "Photobiogeochemistry of Organic Matter, Environmental Science and Engineering"
Ed.by K. M. G. Mostofa et al., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp.429-559, 2013.
Chapter 7. Photosynthesis in nature: a new look
K. M. G. Mostofa, C. Liu, X.Pan, T. Yoshioka, D. Vione, D. Minakata, K. Gao, H. Sakugawa, G. G. Komissarov
In "Photobiogeochemistry of Organic Matter, Environmental Science and Engineering"
Ed.by K. M. G. Mostofa et al., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp.561-686, 2013.
三共出版(ISBN-13: 978-4782706367)2011年.
編者 広島大学総合科学部情報科目小委員会, 学術図書出版社, 第8章, pp.106-136, 2010.
Chapter 1. Dissolved Organic Matter in the Aquatic Environment
K. M. G. Mostofa, W. Fengchang, T. Yoshioka, H. Sakugawa, E. Tanoue
In "Natural Organic Matter and Its Significance in the Environment"
Edited by W. Fengchang and X. Baoshan, Science Press Beijing, pp.3-65, 2009.
編者 播磨裕, 岡野正義, 三共出版, 東京, 第10章, pp.109-117, 2000.
The Occurrence of Organic Peroxides in Seawater
H. Sakugawa, A. Takami, H. Kawai, K. Takeda, K. Fujiwara, S. Hirata
In "Dynamics and Characterization of Marine Organic Matter"
Eds., N. Handa, E. Tanoue and T.Hama, by TERRAPUB/Kluwer, pp.231-240, 2000.
監修 梅澤喜夫、澤田嗣郎、中村洋. エヌ・ティ・エス, 東京, 第2編, 第11章第3節3, pp.956-960, 1997.
Generations of carbonyl sulfide and hydrogen peroxide in the Seto Inland Sea - Photochemical reactions progressing in the coastal seawater.
K. Fujiwara, K. Takeda, Y. Kumamoto.
In "Biogeochemical Processes and Ocean Flux in the Western Pacific"
Eds. H. Sakai and Y. Nozaki, by Terra Scientific Publishing Co., Tokyo, pp.101-1270, 1995.
The chemistry of atmospheric hydrogen peroxide in southern California.
H. Sakugawa and I.R. Kaplan
In "Gaseous Pollutants: Characterization and Cycling", Adv. Environ. Sci. and Technol. Series.
Ed. J. O. Nriagu, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, pp.237-269, 1992.
Distribution pattern of atmospheric H2O2 in Los Angeles and its vicinity and its controlling role as an oxidant of SO2.
H.Sakugawa and I.R. Kaplan
In "Intermedia Pollutant Transport: Modeling and Field Measurements"
Eds. D. Allen., Y. Cohen, I.R. Kaplan. by Plenum Publishing Co., pp.53-72, 1989.
Gaseous hydrogen peroxide in Los Angeles air: Implication to its availability for oxidizing atmospheric SO2.
H.Sakugawa and I.R.Kaplan.
In "Acid Rain: Scientific and Technical Advances"
Eds. R. Perry, R. M. Harrison, by Selper Ltd, London, pp.83-89, 1987.